Lord of Shadows (A Paranormal Romance Book): Blackness Falls Page 7
Maurice chuckled and threw his cigarette to the ground. His dark-blond hair looked almost black in the night. “You’ll be lucky if I send you back home with your head.” His earring glittered like a star in the night. “Or maybe . . .” He finally, slowly, pulled his sword from his side. “Maybe, I’ll cut off your limbs and have them sent to various worlds. How about that?”
Ethan didn’t take the bait and simply stood still in his stance.
“Maurice,” Kelly called.
The playboy looked over at her with bedroom eyes. “Yeah, baby?”
She held his gaze. “Ethan is my friend. Don’t kill him.”
Maurice’s expression morphed to something she didn’t like, and he confirmed her feeling when he said, “Friends tend to make the best traitors. You’re better with less of them.” And with that, his eyes blazed and he swung his sword at Ethan.
Kelly jumped, but Ethan, who’d always been watchful, was ready and parried the blade in midair before backing away.
Maurice lunged and Ethan would block and retreat. Both moved with easy grace and this continued for a while with the sounds of their blades clanging in the night and the cheers and groans of the spectators. Ethan’s expression continued to be one of complete concentration while Maurice kept a slight tilt in his mouth as though he knew something Ethan didn’t.
And then Kelly blinked and Maurice appeared behind Ethan and knocked him in the back with a hard elbow. He’d moved so quickly, neither she nor Ethan would have been able to see it.
Ethan grunted as he fell to the ground.
Maurice lifted his blade, smiled, and sent it home.
Kelly shouted.
Ethan rolled over and the blade missed by inches, but the fight quickly continued with Ethan on his back and Maurice just playing with him, as though his sword were a stick and Ethan were meat for his shish kabob.
The men around began to laugh.
“Please,” Kelly cried. She pushed against Theo’s arm, but he wouldn’t let go and she wished Mason were there.
A cry came from Ethan, and Kelly’s stomach rolled as she saw the sword sticking out from Ethan’s hand and pinning him to the ground.
“No!” she shouted. “Let me go!” She banged on Theo’s arm. She wished she’d just gone back with Ethan. She didn’t belong here. She and Ethan didn’t belong in this world and because of her, he’d die.
Ethan’s breathing was rough, but he brought his other hand up with his sword and tried to strike Maurice with it, but a swift kick to the gut had Ethan’s blade hitting the ground and a horrible moan left his lips.
Maurice pulled a shorter blade from his side and knelt next to Ethan, holding it pressed toward his throat. “You had potential to be a good fighter, human. What are your last words before I send you home without a head?” The jovial tone in his voice was gone, and Kelly knew he was speaking the truth. He was going to send Ethan back without a head.
Ethan frowned and said, “I am of the House of Jinn. Send my head there.”
Kelly didn’t know any Jen. His parents were Adam and Carla Hunt.
“Stop!” came the cry of a small voice.
Everyone turned to look up the stairs at Aymee, the little maid who’d visited Kelly’s room. Her mother, Vivi, stood by her side.
“Do not kill him,” the little girl said. “I’ve seen him in a vision.”
A chorus of blades returning to their scabbards rang around her, and Ethan groaned as Maurice pulled his sword from his hand.
“Destiny saved your life,” Maurice said, before rising to his feet and backing away.
Ethan rolled onto his side and Kelly raced over and fell to the ground at his side.
“Let me—”
He jerked his hand away from her and sat up, cradling his hand, but saying nothing to her. He wouldn’t even look at her.
“Ethan?” When she tried to touch him, he’d pull away and Kelly stopped trying to reach him.
There was more commotion in the distance as someone began to make their way toward the circling crowd.
A young boy was thrown down a few feet from Kelly and then the crowd parted and Mason appeared. He strolled into the group, standing taller than those around him with the impressive build of a fighter.
She hadn’t thought of him that way until this moment. It took almost seeing Ethan die before her eyes for her to see just what Mason’s body could be capable of. Yes, he was vampire, but with hands as large as his, he could easily crush a man.
His brooding eyes swept the crowd until they landed on her. Their gazes held for a moment before he looked her over, obviously checking to see if she’d been injured, and then brought his eyes back to hers. She gave him a slight nod and he nodded back. Then his discerning gaze moved to Ethan and surprise flashed in his eyes before he turned to the boy. “He stole the blood key. He’s a traitor.”
The boy, who didn’t look to be any older than seven, sat on his knees just as Mason had left him. His small hands were braced on the ground, and Kelly noticed the slave marks around his wrists. His face was blocked by locks of dark hair and his pointed ears stuck through the strands.
Theo stepped forward and asked, “Where is the key?”
“Gone,” Mason said. “He could have passed it on to anyone. If it gets back to Pria, they will have the evidence they need to send the army here.”
Kelly was once again lost. She had no idea where Pria was, but she had the feeling that if they had to the power to send an “army” then it had to be the major city of the government.
Mason had already told her he was an enemy of the Evaness and that the former slaves who stood at her side were there because of him. So why would one betray them? Why would a boy who’d been freed from bondage betray everyone?
“Death!” someone shouted from the crowd.
A chill went through Kelly. She’d seen enough blood tonight.
“Death,” the crowd roared.
She heard heavy footfalls and turned in time to witness Maurice grab the boy by the back of his hair. The kid struggled, but made no verbal protest. His face was in a scowl of defiance as he tried to free himself from Maurice’s gasp.
Kelly’s heart, once again, felt as though she were running a marathon. She looked toward Aymee, hoping if she would once again stop Maurice, pleading with her eyes.
But Aymee did nothing but stand there, looking down on the boy in judgment.
“Maurice, please,” Kelly called. Her voice sounded as exhausted as her body felt. She was fatigued, even though she’d barely been awake. In just a short few hours, she’d experienced pain, fear, strong arousal, and fits of insanity that now left her emptied.
Maurice looked at her and even though she’d only met him a few hours ago, she knew that look. His face had fallen into that empty emotion he’d displayed just seconds before he planned to end Ethan’s life and his words came back to her. The boy, who’d been a slave and was now free, had betrayed those who’d helped him. Their enemies were close.
Kelly turned her eyes away.
The boy shouted, “A curse be on the Rebellion, long live Isabel of the House of—” The rest of his words were choked on blood and then she heard the thud of something that could only be a body hitting the ground.
Her stomach churned as she realized what had happened only a short distance away. She tried to get up, but her limbs refused to work and she found herself panicking. Hands reached for her, and she fought with horror, as deep grief hit her.
A boy was dead. Traitor or not. He’d only been a boy.
She left the ground slip away as she was lifted into a large figure and she buried her face in Mason’s shoulder, throwing her arms around his neck and weeping for a life that had hardly began.
As Mason began to walk and she was glad he didn’t ask her what was wrong or try and talk to her. His strength and warmth were enough.
* * *
> .
* * *
I’ll watch her
* * *
“I can carry her.”
Mason looked over at Ethan of the House of Jinn and frowned. “I’ve got her.” Then he asked, “When are you going to tell her the truth?”
Ethan looked straight ahead and the only indication he’d given Mason that he’d heard was the clench in his jaw.
The crowd had gone home, the execution of the traitor thoroughly ending the jovial night for everyone. Mason’s men surrounded him, along with Ethan, Vivi, and Aymee as they climbed the stairs back to the mansion, and he allowed himself to think of anything but the plush woman he held in his arms.
Kelly’s tears soaked his shirt, but he tried to tell himself he didn’t care about her feelings, yet he’d practically had to fight Ethan and Theo to be the one to carry her to the house. His heart jumped every time she hiccupped and he had to tell his body to relax when he felt her fingers tighten on his shoulders.
She lifted her head up then and wiped at her wet face. “Ethan?” Kelly called and Mason tensed up again, worried she wanted Ethan to carry her instead of him.
He didn’t realize he was growling until Kelly’s red-rimmed blue eyes turned to him in surprise. Then embarrassment hit him, and he was sure she’d want to leave his arms then. He was more animal than man.
Her fingers slid to the back of his neck and when they began to play with this ends of his hair, another sound began to rumble from his throat, this one pleased.
She was staring at Ethan when she said, “Tell me the truth.”
Ethan met and held Kelly’s gaze, remaining quiet for a long time before answering, “I’m your protector. I was assigned to you.”
“By who?” The question came from Mason. He’d known something was wrong about Ethan and Kelly’s relationship upon first meeting Kelly. She’d been obviously innocent, blushing whenever he gave the simplest of comments. It showed she wasn’t use to flattery; as beautiful as she was, there was no way her man shouldn’t have been paying attention to her.
Ethan answered, “Milena.”
Mason was impressed.
“Who?” Kelly asked.
“Goddess of Hindsight and Foresight.”
Kelly’s fingers continued to stroke Mason and she whispered, “Why me? I don’t understand. Are you like them?”
Ethan’s brow winged. “I don’t know why you, but Melina saw me in a vision with you many years before we were born. And what do you mean ‘like them?’” His eyes went over the group with displeasure, and Kelly knew he was making it clear that he was not a vampire.
“Are you from here?” she asked.
He nodded. “I went to Earth when I was young to watch over you and to be your friend.”
Kelly closed her mouth, but showed nothing of what she was thinking. She gave the appearance of strength, though Mason could feel the slight tremble in her fingers. “But why couldn’t you just be my friend? Why did you have to be my boyfriend?”
“It was the only way to make sure we’d always be together no matter what.”
“So, the kiss in the hallway during freshman year of high school?”
Ethan tilted his chin toward Mason. “Can we discuss this later?”
Kelly leaned her head back against Mason and nodded.
He tightened his hold on her and thought the rest of the journey to the house would be quiet, but then she spoke again.
“What’s a blood key?”
Mason realized she was talking to him. “It’s a key that was made by witches from elf blood from the House of Heron.”
“Pathfinders?” Kelly asked.
He was impressed she’d remembered. “By using the blood of the pathfinders, they found a way to get back and forth from their world to this one using any door they pleased and without the aid of a fairman.”
“He is the ferry between worlds and cities. Fairmen are posted throughout Asea and they are always appointed by Asea, our mother goddess. They cannot be harmed and they cannot pick sides . . . at least, they aren’t supposed to. They open the doors for travel.”
“So, you used the key to get to me?” she asked him. “And to get me here?”
She asked Ethan. “How did you get here?”
“Ted.” Then after a moment, he added, “Mr. Smith.”
“The school president?” she asked.
Ethan nodded. “He’s the fairman for Earth and Morwen. Connecticut holds Earth’s only portal to here.”
Mason watched Kelly shake her head. “So, Mr. Smith is from here?”
“Yup,” Ethan said.
“Anyone else I know?” Kelly asked.
Ethan turned to her and said, “Many.”
Kelly turned to Mason. “And there are witches here?”
“The witches and their warlocks come from your world. They are part human and part something from this side. Elf most likely.”
They reached the house and the majority of the fighters went their own way. Mason slowly put Kelly down on the floor. Her dress was stained and torn from the dirt and stone that made up Morwen, but it did not detract from her beauty.
She turned to Ethan. “Let’s talk.”
He turned to Mason. “Got a room we can talk in?”
Mason showed them to a small parlor on the main floor and then turned when he saw Lanzo approaching him with a bag.
His friend’s eyes were dark, but he had an air of satisfaction about him. “Got a present for you.”
Mason took the bag and opened it. Inside was the head of a vampire he didn’t recognize.
Lanzo explained. “He’s the one that boy gave the key to. I hunted him down just outside the city, but I couldn’t find the key. He must have dropped it in the woods or hid it when he knew I was close. Either way, there won’t be any messages getting back to Pria. So, no one will know that the key thief is here.”
Mason was the key thief. It had been his final act as a member of the Evaness before it was clear that he’d joined the Rebellion.
The truth was that Mason was being harbored in Morwen, which meant that no one knew Theo was also a traitor, though there were those who suspected it, he was sure. Mason was wanted for crimes against the Evaness and if the key had been delivered to the leaders of Pria from Morwen? Military action would have followed.
Mason grinned and shook Lanzo’s hand. “Thanks.” He’d saved many lives by killing the one whose head rested in the bag.
“You live to rebel another day.” Lanzo thumped Mason on the shoulder “I’m off to Estain.”
Estain was Lanzo’s homeland and since he was not known for his treason, he would be welcomed by his family with open arms.
“Gods be with you,” Mason said.
“I think I’m better off without their involvement.” Lanzo put his hands up to ward off Mason’s comment cheerfully.
Mason told his friend farewell and then tried to decide what he would do next. With the messenger's head in a bag, he had one less thing to worry about, but it was still only a matter of time before the government decided to move without evidence. For now, only Theo’s wealth kept them at bay.
And then there was Kelly to think about.
He’d been lying to her from the beginning. Now she knew her whole life had been nothing but a series of lies . . . it did something to Mason’s chest. He knew he was starting to care for her more than he should.
But that didn’t stop him from moving the way he had to. She would be turned over and he could worry less about her and more about the war.
* * *
* * *
He still wanted her …
* * *
Kelly listened as Ethan talked, but all it did was further anger her. “Stop,” she eventually said when he managed to get to their more rece
nt history. Apparently, when he’d beg for her to come back to him, that was so he could keep protecting her in an efficient manner.
She stared at Ethan and saw the agony sketched in his features. He was upset and Kelly was clear minded enough to think about how the years must have affected him. To be stuck with someone you didn’t want . . . all the while standing next to the woman he did want.
Kelly was curled in the corner of the couch. She’d taken her sandals off and had propped her feet on top of the red cushion as she stared at Ethan on the other end. “You’re in love with Meg, aren’t you?”
Ethan, who was facing forward and away from her, didn’t move, but his fist tightened and it was all the answer Kelly needed.
She’d always suspected the truth, but had trusted both Ethan and Meg to never act on it . . . But then she’d seen the way Ethan had looked at Meg at their New Year’s Eve party and that had been her undoing. The look had been a combination of love and lust that had struck Kelly right in the gut. She’d been furious with him and had admitted to taking a little of her anger out on Meg until she realized that her friend had done nothing .
And neither had Ethan. He’d been faithful to Kelly and had denied himself complete happiness. How long was he willing to stay on his mission? Had he planned on marrying Kelly? Having kids?
It didn’t matter anymore. At least they were young and could start anew.
And Kelly knew exactly who she wanted.
“When you get back to Earth,” Kelly said. “You should call Meg.”
Ethan turned his head toward Kelly. “You’d be cool with that?”
“Not at first, but I’ll get over it,” she admitted. “We did date for forever, so it will be weird, but whatever.” She shrugged and smiled. “You deserve to be happy, Ethan.” And not stuck with someone you don’t love.